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Rudens nagu lakas!!!!
Nezinu kā Jums, bet man rudens saistās ar tumšām, piesātinātām krāsām, kas atspoguļojas arī uz maniem pirkstu galiņiem. Pagaidām laika trūkuma dēļ vēl nav bijusi iespēja iegādāties vairākas nagu lakas rudenīgos toņos, tāpēc šobrīd parunāsim tikai par divām nagu lakām- Rimmel Nr 615 Fast&Fuchsia un Maybelline ColoRama Nr 261.
Pirmo iegādājos Rimmel nagu lauku, kuras sulīgais un spilgtais tonis man likās perfekts rudenim. Jāatzīst, ka pudelītē krāsa izskatās vienkārši perfekti. Tomēr uzklājot uz nagiem, par nožēlu atklāju, ka realitātē krāsa nav tik piesātināt un izskatās tāda kā......pliekana un ūdeņaina-vārdi, kas nāk prātā to aprakstot. Turklāt krāsa ļoti mainās atkarībā no apgaismojuma-ja telpās, pie mākslīgā apgaismojuma tā vēl likās ciešama, tas izejot ārā iespaids ne pavisam nebija labs. Turklāt man šī nagu laka likās arī ļoti nenoturīga-otrajā rītā pēc uzklāšanas bija vietas kur tā jau bija nolupusi un izbalējusi. Tā ka jāsaka, ka vismaz man un maniem nagiem Rimmel šoreiz neizdabāja...
I don't know about you, but for me fall associates withdark and deep colors, that you can usually see on my fingertips. At the moment due to lack of time I didn't have chance to buy more nail polish for fall. So today we will discuss only two- Rimmel Nr 615 Fast &Fuchia and Maybelline ColoRama Nr 261.
My first purchase was Rimmel naile polish - when I saw it first I thought it will be perfect color for fall-juicy and bright. But unfortunately the color looked that perfect only in bottle, in real life it turned out not as bright, quite dull and... watery is the word that comes in mind to descibe it.Also the color varies depending where you are-if it is quite ok while you are in the buildings with artificial lighting, then outside it looks really bad. And the quality is also not that good-it started to peel of next morning :/ Dissapointing purchase to me....
I don't know about you, but for me fall associates withdark and deep colors, that you can usually see on my fingertips. At the moment due to lack of time I didn't have chance to buy more nail polish for fall. So today we will discuss only two- Rimmel Nr 615 Fast &Fuchia and Maybelline ColoRama Nr 261.
My first purchase was Rimmel naile polish - when I saw it first I thought it will be perfect color for fall-juicy and bright. But unfortunately the color looked that perfect only in bottle, in real life it turned out not as bright, quite dull and... watery is the word that comes in mind to descibe it.Also the color varies depending where you are-if it is quite ok while you are in the buildings with artificial lighting, then outside it looks really bad. And the quality is also not that good-it started to peel of next morning :/ Dissapointing purchase to me....
Savukārt ar Maybelline ColoRama es trāpīju naglai uz galvas. Pirmkārt-man ļoti patika pudelītes dizains, kas ir atšķirīgāks no ierastā, un arī jaunajā ColoRama sērijā pieejamās krāsas ir vienkārši fantastiskas - stundu stāvēju domādama, kuru, lai ņem, kā arī ļoti centos, lai kāja nepaslīd un neattopos pie kases ar vairākām pudelītēm rokās.
Manis izvēlētais tonis ir ļoti tumšs-gan pudelītē, un tieši tāds pats tas ir uzklājot uz nagiem-tumši, gandrīz melni sarkanbrūns, turklāt uz nagiem šī krāsa ir ļoti spīdīga! Patiešām neko sliktu nevaru teikt-man patīk, gan krāsa, gan kvalitāte, gan cena-šobrīd Drogās nopērkama par 1,75 Ls, ja nemaldos :)
BUT! on the other hand Mybelline nail polish was perfect for me-exactly what I was looking for! And there are several reasons for it. First-Ireally liked the design of the bottle-different from others and cute :) And the colors available are really pretty-I spent way too much time deciding which one to pick.
The color that I picked is very dark-both in the bottle and on nails-its dark, almost black and very shiny.Can't say anything bad about it realy- just being one happy hippo :)
Mans nākošais mērķis ir notestēt šī brīža nagu lakas modes kliedzienus-zilās un pelēcīgās nagu lakas! Lai Jums krāsains rudens! :)
My next aim is blue and muddy colors which seems so pretty, but until I get them - have a nice and colorful fall!